Examples for "death deity"
Examples for "death deity"
1Rhys isn't the name of any known death god.
2I am a death god, or was once, Merry.
3I open my eyes to see not the death god but the mage at my bedside.
4Now we have to visit the Underworld and see how it's going with our favorite creepy stalker death god, Hades.
5Dealing with Anubis on your own-thosedeath gods can be nasty customers.
1She was descended (at many removes, one hopes) from the Indian death goddess Kali.
2Why does the Death Goddess scorn to snuff you like a candle?
3This... flaunting of the robes of office of the priests of the Death Goddess herself?
4"Are you really descended from a death goddess?"
5"It seems that the Death Goddess has been very busy of late," said Locke, "with a great many people other than ourselves.
Translations for death goddess